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Opening Day Or First Pitches I Wish I’d Already Seen

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Thursday May.30, 2013

 Mitt Romney Even Practices Throwing the First Pitch in the Spring Training with Snowballs.

Jason Alpert-Wisnia: (MLB Reports Kids Writer – visit his website here )

Baseball’s Opening Day is long gone and passed already and I’m a little bit late, and one of the biggest baseball traditions has already done; The Opening Day Pitch.

This pitch marks the starting of the season, and the beginning of the game for the team, and is always thrown by someone of great importance to the home team.

Also, throughout the year, there still are Pitches later that aren’t as important as the Opening Day Pitch, but are still very inetresting and fun and uplifting.

This Opening Day 2013, people such as Joe Torre for the Cincinnati Reds & (Former Staff Sergeant and Winner of the Medal of Honor Award) Clint Romesh for the Washington Nationals.

But this year, many teams Ceremonial First Pitches let me down, and weren’t as good or funny as I wished. So here are some of the people I wished had thrown Opening Day pitches for certain teams this season.

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The Marlins Seriously Make Stupid Choices

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Tuesday, April.02/2013

The Marlins will start year 2 of their ball park with about 33 % of their 2012 Team Salary.  They essentially have traded away veteran over the course of last season and then in the winter.  The club builds up for a few years, then tears it all with lighting fast movements.  When will the cycle end and the Marlins have some consistency with the product on the field?

The Marlins will start year 2 of their ball park with about 33 % of their 2012 Team Salary. They essentially have traded away every veteran over the course of last season and in the winter of 2013.  Just like they have always done, the club builds up for a few years, then tears it all down with lighting fast movements. When will the cycle end and the Marlins have some consistency with the product on the field?

MLB Reports:  Welcome to our newest Kids writer  Jason Alpert-Wisnia – for being selected to join our MLB Reports Kids Writing team.  We are pleased to present the readers with a youthful look to the game of baseball.  Moms and Dad’s – if you have a young kid who loves baseball and wants to write about the game, please email us at  We will be selecting three more kid writers for our website this year. 

By Jason Alpert-Wisnia  (AKA “JAWS”): (MLB Reports Kids Writer – visit his website here )

The Miami Marlins are a semi-new team compared to other teams such as the Red Sox, debuting as a team in the season of 1993 as the Florida Marlins.  They won two championships in that time, yet tore down the team right after.

In 2012, the team moved to Marlins Park with a boatload of new players and I say, after that, it was only a matter of the, before the team was headed for a downfall.  The past was sure to  repeat itself.

Florida Marlins Story on 1997 and 2003:

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Reds Are Going To Make The Rest Of The NL Bleed Red

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Tuesday, March.26/2013

In his 1st half season during last year, Joey Votto clubbed for a 3 Slash Line of ..348/.471/1.124 with 35 Doubles, 14 HRs and 48 RBI.  He was the leading candidate to pull in his 2nd NL MVP Award.  Once he returned from injury, he was not the same - only plating 8 RBI and HRs in the last 28 games he played in

In his 1st half season during last year, Joey Votto clubbed for a 3 Slash Line of .348/.471/1.124 with 35 Doubles, 14 HRs and 48 RBI. He was the leading candidate to pull in his 2nd NL MVP Award. Once he returned from injury, he was not the same – only plating 8 RBI and HRs in the last 28 games he played in.  The Canadian still led the NL in OBP for the 3rd straight season.  He also led the NL In Walks despite missing 51 games.  Votto has a Career 3 Slash Line of .316/.415/.968.  He is signed through the 2024 year in a 13 YR/.$263 MIL deal.

MLB Reports:  Welcome to our newest Kids writer  Jason Alpert-Wisnia – for being selected to join our MLB Reports Kids Writing team.  We are pleased to present the readers with a youthful look to the game of baseball.  Moms and Dad’s – if you have a young kid who loves baseball and wants to write about the game, please email us at  We will be selecting three more kid writers for our website this year. 

By Jason Alpert-Wisnia  (AKA “JAWS”): (MLB Reports Kids Writer – visit his website here )

The Cincinnati Reds last season had a 97 Wins and 65 Losses Team Record, scoring them 1st place in the NL Central last season. The team could have made it even farther in the Postseason, maybe even beating the Giants and becoming the NL representatives, BUT, they missed their chance in losing 3 straight tries to eliminate the club from the BAY after taking a commanding 2 – 0 lead in the Series.

During the year Joey Votto injured his knee and was out for a while along with the manager Dusty Baker having a stroke, and you have to wonder about these two incidents not factoring in them feeling less than 100% heading into the Playoffs. 

You throw in Johnny Cueto‘s injury moving up all of the depth on the Starting Pitching versus the Giants in the 2012, and you can see that things spiraled downward.

Joey Votto Highlights – Mature Lyrics so Parental Guidance is advised:

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The Red Sox Are Getting Thrown Into The Dirty Laundry Bag!

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Saturday, March.23/2013

Bobby Valentine may have been happy to start the year as skipper of the Red Sox, but the 2012 season was nothing to smile about at all.

Bobby Valentine may have been happy to start the year as skipper of the Red Sox, but the 2012 season was nothing to smile about at.

MLB Reports:  Welcome to our newest Kids writer  Jason Alpert-Wisnia – for being selected to join our MLB Reports Kids Writing team.  We are pleased to present the readers with a youthful look to the game of baseball.  Moms and Dad’s – if you have a young kid who loves baseball and wants to write about the game, please email us at  We will be selecting three more kid writers for our website this year. 

By Jason Alpert-Wisnia  (AKA “JAWS”): (MLB Reports Kids Writer – visit his website here )

The Red Sox in the 2011 season were managed by the Luckless Losing manager Bobby Valentine and made them lose with a HORRID and CRAPPY Season Record of 69-93 putting them in last (5th) place in the AL East. They, are guessed to be going on another losing streak and get 5th place in the AL East again.

Youkilis reaction to a question about Bobby Valentine – Returns to Boston:

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MLB Mascots Make No Sense

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Friday, March.15/2013

The Swinging Friar

The Swinging Friar.

MLB Reports:  Welcome to our newest Kids writer  Jason Alpert-Wisnia – for being selected to join our MLB Reports Kids Writing team.  We are pleased to present the readers with a youthful look to the game of baseball.  Moms and Dad’s – if you have a young kid who loves baseball and wants to write about the game, please email us at  We will be selecting three more kid writers for our website this year. 

By Jason Alpert-Wisnia: (MLB Reports Kids Writer – visit his website here )

The MLB teams, no matter if in the AL or the NL,need mascots. The mascots are a pop-culture icon for the team that brings a fun and cheerful aspect to the ballpark, no matter how the game is going, and is great for using on products the team can sell for large amounts of profit. But, team’s mascots usually have reasons for being what they are. But, some teams mascots make NO sense what-so-ever on why their thereBut no matter how crazy and wacky, there is always a reason for what they are, even if the reason is not very good and is very unrealistic or sensible.

But no matter how weird, the mascots are are still a BIG part of the team, no matter what, but some teams are seriously odd, and really don’t make sense when compared to what the team’s team name and logo are about, or make sense, but are used and have personalities that don’t make much sense.

Phillie Phanatic Montage:

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Harlem Shake Shenanigans Come To Spring Training:

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Thursday, March.14/2013

Just another idea by some Major League Clubs

Just another idea by some Major League Clubs.

MLB Reports:  Welcome to our newest Kids writer  Jason Alpert-Wisnia – for being selected to join our MLB Reports Kids Writing team.  We are pleased to present the readers with a youthful look to the game of baseball.  Moms and Dad’s – if you have a young kid who loves baseball and wants to write about the game, please email us at  We will be selecting three more kid writers for our website this year. 

By Jason Alpert-Wisnia: (MLB Reports Kids Writer – visit his website here )

Across Youtube in the past month, the song “Harlem Shake” by Baauer has been the topic that SO many videos are all about. It all started when some dudes danced to the song on Youtube. It got LOTS of views, and so hundreds of versions have come out using Harlem Shake but with different people and things and in different places.

The idea is one per son comes out in some sort of mask and shakes their head, in a random place while everything behind him is normal and is in a regular mood, but when the song says “Do the Harlem Shake!” the whole scene changes and becomes crazy and it gets a little strange.This itself has NOTHING to do with baseball, except for one thing.

A few weeks ago, the Arizona Diamondbacks in Spring Training decided to do a publicity stunt, and post it on Youtube. If you haven’t already guessed, they did the Harlem Shake.

The video was posted by the official MLB Youtube account and at the time I’m writing,the video had about 177,000 views at the time, which is not too bad for views.

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