Daily Archives: October 31, 2016

Prospects of the Weekend – Greg Allen of the Cleveland Indians

is weekend was started off with Greg Allen’s rare power surge with a two-homer game on Friday. Allen said last time he did that was probably in little leagues. The speedster has only hit 14 home runs since his debut which shows how rare Friday was. Also, it was his first four-RBI performance as a pro.

Greg Allen and the other best prospects this weekend

On Bullpen Management in the 2016 Playoffs

The fall of 2016 has been a season of extremes. In the very first game of the postseason, we saw the Baltimore Orioles lose the most important game of their season with their best pitcher, Zach Britton, who happened to be the best reliever anywhere in baseball this year, sitting on the bench.

The fallout was swift and severe. Columnists, bloggers, and fans rightly derided manager Buck Showalter, typically something of a sabermetric darling, for being the latest in a long line of playoff managers to manage to position his team for a future game they would never get to play. (See Fredi Gonzalez as a recent, obvious example)

Possibly in response to the Orioles’ debacle – not to give bloggers too much credit, Showalter made a transparent baseball mistake- managers in the rest of the postseason have been notably aggressive.

Dodgers’ manager Dave Roberts deployed his closer Kenley Jansen in the 8th inning 3 times in the NLDS and CS, and once in the 7th in game 5 of the DS against the Nationals. Jansen even pitched in the 6th inning in the team’s final game of the year; Jansen is usually used for just 3 outs, but went for 3 innings to keep NLCS Game 6 close.

Indians’ manager Terry Francona is perhaps the most talked about guy this October. He and his bullpen Ace Andrew Miller have been blowing the existing bullpen paradigm out of the water.


To continue reading, please visit Offthebenchbaseball.com.

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast Archives Oct 1, 2016 – Oct 31, 2016 (Episodes 1439 – 1469)


Paul Francis Sullivan (please call him Sully) does a podcast 365 days a year – unless it is a leap year – then he will do another 1. He has done a show everyday since Oct.24/2012. This to date represents a streak of 1438 days consecutively heading into Oct of 2016!

Past the CLICK TO READ THE REST OF THIS ENTRY are episodes 1439 – 4169  of the Sully Baseball Daily Podcast.

We will also archive all of his podcasts to date (in coming weeks) so they are easily accessible for all his fans. Check out all his Archived info here.

Our website followers have grown larger each year for his podcast.

Follow Sully Baseball On Twitter

To subscribe on iTunes, click HERE.

To subscribe on SoundCloud, click HERE. Read the rest of this entry

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – October 31, 2016


Brian Cassella / Chicago Tribune

Game 5 of the 2016 World Series was a thriller. I gave my in game thoughts and post game opinions as the baseball season moves on to November.

It is a raise the W and extend the season episode of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast.

Jon Lester, Kris Bryant, Bryan Shaw and Rajai Davis all added to their totals for Who Owns October and Who Owns the World Series (WOO and WOWS.)

For the up to date standings of Who Owns October and Who Owns the World Series, go to MLB Reports

What is “Who Owns October”? Click HERE for an explanation.

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