Daily Archives: October 23, 2016

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – October 23, 2016



Time for a Sunday Request.


I give my thoughts on the Adrian Gonzalez slide. Plus my wife and I talk about the World Series match ups and Chief Wahoo.

It is wrapping up a 4th straight year of shows episode of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast

For the up to date standings of Who Owns October, click MLB Reports.

What is “Who Owns October”? Click HERE for an explanation.

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David Ortiz Leaves Behind Best Legacy with Boston Red Sox

The illustrious career of the Boston Red Sox’s David Ortiz has come to a close. Given what he has meant to one of the flagship franchises of Major League Baseball for the past 14 years, his departure will create a crated-sized void. He will leave behind quite the legacy; one that had never been seen before and will never be seen again.