Daily Archives: October 5, 2016

Who Owns October In MLB Playoffs 2016? (#WOO) Tallies Updated For October 5, 2016


Anthony Gruppuso, USA TODAY Sports


The leaves turn, the weather gets colder and Madison Bumgarner is unhittable. It must be October for an even year.

Not too hard to see who owned October tonight!

Each winning team for every post season game gets a pitcher and a hitter who earn a full WOO (Who Owns October.)

And at my discretion, I award a 1/2 WOO’S to a worthy player on the losing team.

At the end of the post season, we will see who had the highest WOO total as a pitcher and a hitter.

A complete description of the rules can be found HERE.

From October 5th. NL Wild Card Game:

Receiving 1 WOO’s 

Madison Bumgarner was his typical dominant self, throwing a complete game 4 hit shutout striking out 6 Mets and pushing the Giants to the Division Series in a 3-0 thriller.

Conor Gillaspie got 2 hits including a dramatic 3 run homer in the 9th that was the difference in the Giants 3-0 Wild Card win over the Mets.


Receiving 1/2 WOO’s 

Noah Syndergaard kept the Giants hitless into the 6th, finishing with 7 shutout innings with 2 hits and 10 strikeouts. He would not get the decision as the Mets were blanked 3-0.

Curtis Granderson did not get a hit but made a dramatic catch to end a Giants rally in the 6th inning. In the end the Mets season ended with a 3-0 Wild Card game loss.




Current ‘WOO’ Totals MLB 2016:

Hitters ‘WOO’ MLB 2016,

Edwin Encarnacion – Blue Jays 1, Conor Gillaspie – Giants 1, Curtis Granderson – Mets 1, Mark Trumbo – Orioles 1/2,

Pitchers ‘WOO’ MLB 2016,

Madison Bumgarner – Giants 1,  Marcus Stroman – Blue Jays 1, Darren O’Day – Orioles 1/2, Noah Syndergaard – Mets 1/2,

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – October 5, 2016


RICHARD LAUTENS / TORONTO STAR VIA GETTY IMAGES, Andrew Theodorakis, Special To The Chronicle

The post season has begun with two classic games and a manager blunder for the ages.

Buck Showalter lives by the motto “If you have to go down, go down with your 7th best pitcher!”

Meanwhile I entered a fold in time and space for the Connor Gillaspie homer.

It isthe Wild Card Game episode of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast

Madison Bumgarner, Connor Gillaspie, Edwin Encarnacion, Marcus Stroman,Noah Syndergaard, Curtis Granderson, Darren O’Day and Mark Trumbo all added to their Who Owns October totals.

For the up to date standings of Who Owns October, click MLB Reports.

What is “Who Owns October”? Click HERE for an explanation.

Read the rest of this entry

Dave Dombrowski’s Offseason Splashes will Make or Break October for Boston Red Sox

On the heels of finishing in the American League East basement three times in four years, the Boston Red Sox made a big change last summer by hiring Dave Dombrowski. He arrived with a certain reputation and has lived up to it thus far.

The biggest thing on his 2016 to-do list was getting the Red Sox back into the postseason before designated hitter David Ortiz rode off into the sunset. He officially crossed that off his list about a week ago, but it’s really just the beginning.

In October once again – and mostly with players from the last front office regime – two of Dombrowski’s biggest offseason moves from last winter will be crucial pieces to the team’s success or demise.

Boston’s greatest need following a disappointing 2015 was obvious: pitching. They needed an ace at the front of the rotation and shutdown relievers at the back of the bullpen. In typical Dombrowski fashion, he made big splashes to fill those needs by trading four prospects for Craig Kimbrel and throwing a bunch of money at David Price.

Risky moves? Yes. Moves the Red Sox hadn’t made in recent years? Yes. But with a win-now mentality, they had to be made. Every acquisition comes with risk, but Kimbrel and Price were as close to slam-dunks as it could possibly be with regard to production.

Throughout their respective careers, each hurler has been a consistent force when toeing the rubber. That’s why 2016 has been frustrating for fans.


AL Wild Card Aftermath

By Josh:

So in case you don’t have cable TV and couldn’t watch the game, or refused to check Twitter, Facebook, ESPN or any other potential place for people to rant about sports, the Blue Jays won and questionable coaching by Buck Showalter may have helped. Also a stupid Toronto fan threw a beer bottle at an Orioles player.

Blue Jays fans don’t have the best reputation in baseball and it is unfortunate that one fan can make an entire fan base look bad but that is what will happen. It isn’t the first time fans in Toronto have thrown things onto the field and right or wrong that fan base has earned its reputation as one of the worst in terms of respecting the field and the players on the field.

Read the rest of Josh’s thoughts on The AL Wild Card Aftermath via 9 Inning Know It All