20 Reasons Why Baseball Is The Best

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Ground Rule Triple Blog (Featured Baseball Website/groundruletripleblog.wordpress.com) 

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So I found a post on Bleacher Report titled “20 Reasons Baseball Is the Worst” (there’s a surprise at the end, but you’ll have to read it to find out).

So I’m going to post what the author said about each reason, and create a counter-argument for each. By the way, you can find the post HERE.

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About Jonathan Hacohen

I practice daily yoga. Most foods are organic. If you catch me in the supermarket, it will be in the produce aisle. Warrior 1 Yoga was born from my wish to help people be healthy and happy. I preach the 4 key's to life: nutrition, exercise, water and sleep. This is my journey - I am hope to meet you along the way to share a similar path!

Posted on February 5, 2016, in The Rest: Everything Baseball and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on 20 Reasons Why Baseball Is The Best.

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