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The Colorado Rockies Players, Organizational Affiliates, Prospects + Depth Charts (MLB + MiLB)

Troy Tulowitzki is one of the best all-round shortstops in baseball. he plays Gold Glove caliber defense, and he actually hits well pretty much anywhere whether home (.935 OPS) and Away (.819 OPS).  The team always plays better with their franchise Shortstop is in the lineup - and they have a punchers chance to compete in their Division.

Troy Tulowitzki is one of the best all-round shortstops in baseball. he plays Gold Glove caliber defense, and he actually hits well pretty much anywhere whether home (.934 OPS) and Away (.819 OPS). The team always plays better with their franchise Shortstop is in the lineup – and they have a punchers chance to compete in their Division. In 2013, he hit for a 3 Slash Line of .312/.391/.932 – with 23 HRS and 82 RBI in just 446 AB.  The 28 Year Old missed 36 games this past campaign, and that cost him a chance to win the NL MVP, as he was an early favorite.

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner): and Jeff Kleiner (Salary, Roster and Depth Chart Expert for the MLB) – visit his website  here  

For all of the Rosters, Depth Charts, State of the Unions and Salaries Posts that we do, please visit our dedicated page link her

The Rockies will enter the 2014 campaign without Todd Helton for the 1st time in 18 years.  The team is always in a precarious situation when it comes to prospects, talented veteran’s, and an uncertainty of how the team will fare year to year.

Colorado has been a streaky club from 2007 – now.  They made their only World Series Appearance ever in 2007, and the team has had chances for the playoffs most years that Troy Tulowitzki has played in significant AB.

The teams offensive prospects look great with Nolan Arenado, Jordan Pacheco. Dexter Fowler, Wilin Rosario and of course their big #2 Shortstop TULO.  For the most part, this team has been able to develop within.

Yes Carlos Gonzalez was brought in by trade, but that was with the asset the team drafted in Matt Holliday.

Todd Helton:   Look Back At A Franchise Player’s Career

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Colorado Rockies Organizational Charts: Payroll, Depth Charts And Rosters, (MLB + MiLB)

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Friday, June.13/2013

The Coors field Effect is still alive and well for Pitchers and Hitters.  19 out of the 20 years, the Rox have led the Major Leagues in Home Batting Average.  Last year, position hitters (1-8) hit for a .315. Batting Average.  This season is no different.  The Rox have played inspired baseball, but now are faced with injuries to Tulowitzki, Fowler and Gonzalez

The Coors field Effect is still alive and well for Pitchers and Hitters. 19 out of the 20 years, the Rox have led the Major Leagues in Home Batting Average. Last year, position hitters (1-8) hit for a .315. Batting Average. This season is no different. The Rox have played inspired baseball, but now are faced with injuries to Tulowitzki, Fowler and Gonzalez.

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner): and welcome Jeff Kleiner (Salary, Roster and Depth Chart Expert for the MLB) – visit his website  here  

You guys are all in for a treat.  Jeff Kleiner recently contacted me about a partnership merge for the website.  He has developed a site ( that covers all organizational affiliates in the Minors for all of the Major League Baseball Clubs.  We are going to combine efforts to bring you the best look at salaries, current 25 Man Player Rosters and Depth Charts for all 30 teams. 

Jeff is going to provide the documents in form of spreadsheets and I am going to accompany the posts with deep analysis of what the numbers tell us from my perspective.  If you can’t wait for all of my assessments for each club, go and visit Jeff’s website over at

In Speaking with Jeff, he is one of the more passionate fans I have come across towards the game of baseball.  He spends enough time in updating his MLB Facts for it to be a Full-Time Job.  So after the usual Video Clip and READ THE REST OF THIS ENTRY button, you will find some serious &*!@?!#!

Jeff updates this page below on a daily basis.  After you click on it….Bookmark it.  There is a 3 year salary forecast and stats not listed here on this page.  Jeff updates these pages daily and these changes include any Roster moves!

For a Full 3 year Salary Outlook plus last years Stats for every player in the Rockies Organization click here

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The Rockies Record Is Misleading

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Tuesday Apr.16/2013

The Coors field Effect is still alive and well for Pitchers and Hitters.  19 out of the 20 years, the Rox have led the Major Leagues in Home Batting Average.  Last year, position hitters (1-8) hit for a .315. Batting Average.  This season will be no different.  The team played at Coors Field and Miller Park during week 1, pasting the Brewers and the Padres.  The team will host 16 of the next 22 games in Denver - and will need to make some hay.

Last year, position hitters (1-8) hit for a .315. Batting Average at home. The team played at Coors Field and Miller Park during week 1, pasting the Brewers and the Padres . Week 2 saw the Giants sweep them at AT and T Park, before they returned the favor to San Diego at Petco Park.  The team will host 16 of the next 22 games in Denver – and will need to make some hay because they haven’t played well on the road in the past few years .

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner and Rockies Correspondent):

If you take a look at the Standings in the NL West, you would see that the Colorado Rockies are among 4 teams over .500 right now.  They are tied with the Arizona DiamondBacks at 8 – 4 – and 1 game behind the defending World Series Champion Giants.

Judging by a lot of other publications placing the Rockies so high on their MLB Rankings, I am guessing these place do not give out much credence to Strength of Schedule.  at – the club is listed #9 on the Power Rankings.

The Rockies are 6 – 0 this year already versus the hapless San Diego Padres and 2 – 1 versus the Milwaukee Brewers ( a team that is 3 – 8 itself and not looking so great).  The Rockies played the San Francisco in a 3 game set at AT and T Park – and were swept, surrendering 23 Runs Scored, while only scoring 9 Runs themselves.

2013 Rockies Commercial:

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Interview with J.R. Bradley: Diamondbacks Pitching Prospect

Sunday December 18, 2011


Jonathan Hacohen:  Today on MLB reports we are proud to feature James Ray (J.R.) Bradley:  2010 Arizona Diamondbacks draftee.  J.R. was drafted in the 2nd round of the 2010 draft.  He recently completed his 2nd season in the Dbacks organization, with his most recent season completed with the South Bend Silver Hawks (A-Ball).  At 19-years of age, J.R. has a strong future ahead with the Dbacks.  As a high draft selection, J.R. was clearly valued highly by the Dbacks.  As he continues his progression through the organizational ladder, J.R. looks to continue to develop as he progresses to Arizona one day.    

Featured on MLB reports, I proudly present my interview with Dbacks Pitching Prospect J.R. Bradley:


MLB reports:  Welcome to the Reports J.R. Bradley.  Starting off:  Who was your favorite baseball player growing up, that you most idolized and patterned your game after?

J.R. Bradley:  Growing up, I always liked Roger Clemens and Jon Garland. Liking Garland came from within the White Sox because Jon Adkins was playing for them. He’s from WV (West Virginia) and has helped me through baseball since I was younger.


MLB reports:  Which current MLB star do you most admire and why?

J.R. Bradley:  Roy Halladay. Just the way he competes and handles himself.


MLB reports:  What are your proudest accomplishments in baseball?

J.R. Bradley:  Being drafted for sure. But we went to the states all 4 years in high school and won it twice.


MLB reports:  What are your goals going into the 2012 season?  

J.R. Bradley:  Just go out and get better, and make all my scheduled starts.


MLB reports:  Were you surprised when you were drafted in the 2nd round- did you have any expectations on the draft and who would draft you?  

J.R. Bradley:  I wasn’t too surprised I went to the Dbacks. I was hearing rounds 2-4 from everyone and was on the phone with Oakland when I found out.


MLB reports:  What do you consider your greatest baseball skill(s)?

J.R. Bradley:  I’ve always been a guy who threw strikes. Now it’s a matter of throwing quality strikes, which is something I aim to improve this year. Knocking on wood, I’ve always been pretty durable.  I think it’s important to throw innings and make all my starts.


MLB reports:  What facets of your game do you most wish to improve upon?

J.R. Bradley:  Fastball command and getting ahead of hitters early in the count. Also consistency with my slider


MLB reports:  How do strikeouts and walks figure into your game? 

J.R. Bradley:  When I walk guys I get hurt, because I pitch to contact and try to get ground ball outs. Strikeouts I think will come when I tighten up my breaking balls. Once I do that, it will be easier to put guys away.


MLB reports:  Long term do you see yourself as a starter or reliever? 

J.R. Bradley:  Starter for sure.


MLB reports:  What do you need to do in order to be successful in this game?

J.R. Bradley:  I think a positive mindset.  Baseball is a game of failure already. No need to beat yourself up.


MLB reports:  If you had to look into a crystal ball, when do you see your expected time of arrival in the big leagues?

J.R. Bradley:  Man… I’m just focusing on next season!


MLB reports:  Has pro ball been everything you expected it to be thus far? 

J.R. Bradley:  Yes, for the most part. I didn’t realize how important it was to have a routine.


MLB reports:  What do you do for fun when you are not playing baseball? 

J.R. Bradley:  Just hang out.  During the season we’re at the stadium so much. In the offseason, I’ve just been working out and playing some basketball.


MLB reports:  Do you have a favorite pre-game meal?

J.R. Bradley:  No, I don’t really have a favorite pregame meal.


MLB reports:  Final Thoughts?

J.R. Bradley:  Thanks for everything man, really enjoyed it. Now just looking forward to getting out there!



Thank you again to J.R. Bradley for taking the time to join us today on MLB reports.  We highly encourage our readers to post at the bottom of the article any questions and/or comments that you may have for J.R.  You can also  find J.R. Bradley on Twitter (@JR_Brad)


Jonathan Hacohen is the Lead Baseball Columnist & Editor for MLB reports:  You can follow Jonathan on Twitter (@JHacohen)


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