Blog Archives

An Interview with Founder and Coors Field Expert Craig Landgren

Friday April.13/2012

Follow Chuck Booth’s  streak all the through to the bitter end.  Schedule is this link: or at his official website for all updates!

Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Writer and @chuckbooth3024 on twitter)- I joined Craig’s baseball community website in 2008 (  I must say that all of us ballpark fans have a lot to thank him about. Craig launched Ballpark Chasers with the vision of connecting baseball fans around the world, especially those with the life goal of seeing all Major League ballparks. Since going live, Ballpark Chasers has doubled each year in total members and has quickly become the Internet’s largest collection of amateur ballpark images.   In my honest opinion, his website has been the catalyst on so many of us upping the ante on chasing parks around the country.  We are wiser fans and our pocketbooks are definitely a little heavier than they used to be with using his website here as a reference guide for all 30 MLB Parks.  I am proud to call Craig a friend and can’t thank him enough for all of the support he has given to me in my baseball endeavors.  I recently chatted with Craig about Coors Field.  Here is what we discussed. Read the rest of this entry