Daily Archives: November 5, 2016

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – November 5, 2016


Marcel Bieler – aka Cubs Fan With An 8

The Cubs won the World Series and die hard fans had the greatest week of their lives. So who better to talk about the final moments of the World Series than the biggest Cub fan in all of Switzerland, Marcel Bieler, aka @Cu8sfan or Cubs Fan With an 8!

It was a moment by moment piece of nostalgia for something that happened last week.

Celebrate with your friends on this episode of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast.

Follow Cubs Fan With an 8 on Twitter to click HERE.

For the up to date standings of Who Owns October and Who Owns the World Series, go to MLB Reports

What is “Who Owns October”? Click HERE for an explanation.

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It Took a Lifetime

By: Daniel Foote

On October 14, 1908, the Chicago Cubs clinched their second consecutive World Series title.  A mere 229 days later, George William Penley was born and so was a love affair with the Chicago Cubs.  You see, Mr. Penley was my grandfather (we called him “Poppa”, so you’ll forgive me for referring to him as such), and he loved the Cubs. In Poppa’s lifetime, the Cubs went to the World Series seven times (1910, 1918, 1929, 1932, 1935, 1938 and 1945).  All of them by the time he was 36 ½ years old. From 1945 to 1984, when he passed away, Poppa continued to love his Cubs.  He loved them so much, that he passed that love affair to me.

Read the rest of “It Took a Lifetime’ via 9 Inning Know It All.