Daily Archives: December 9, 2015

Chicago Cubs State Of The Union For 2016

I absolutely love the singing of Zobrist for the Cubs. He is a quality veteran Utility guy for this young versatile club. Zobrist at 35 may have been pricey at the four year deal work, but they were able to trade away Starlin Castro as a result. Zobrist was vital to the Royals postseason run - and is Joe Maddon's favorite all time player. His ability to switch all over the field will give guys like Schwarber, Baez, Soler and Russell all the availability to thrive with matchup maneuvers. The Cubs should not stop here though. They need to acquire a CF - and trade for a #3 starter at some point in the next 8 months.

I absolutely love the signing of Zobrist for the Cubs. He is a quality veteran Utility guy for this young versatile club. Zobrist at 35 may have been pricey at the four year deal work, but they were able to trade away Starlin Castro as a result. Zobrist was vital to the Royals 2015 World Series Playoff run – and is Joe Maddon’s favorite all time player. His ability to switch all over the field will give guys like Schwarber, Baez, Soler and Russell all the availability to thrive with matchup maneuvers. The Cubs should not stop here though. They need to acquire a CF – and trade for a #3 starter at some point in the next 8 months.

Chuck Booth (Owner/Lead  Analyst) 

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The Cubs finally threw their names in the ring on the Free Agent front this week by first signing ultra  Utility man Ben Zobrist to a 4 YR/$56 MIL -on the heels of  John Lackey to a 2 YR/$32 MIL deal.

The club also dealt Starlin Castro away for another team controllable pitcher in Adam Warren.  These are significant steps in the right direction to start their run at the 2016 NL Central Division Title,

2015 was a nice breakout season – and the furthest the team has gone in 12 years however this franchise needs to spend as much money and continue to pursue an end to their century plus World Series drought.

There is no question all other 29 clubs would trade their offensive rosters for the value the young Chicago NL squad is going to put forth the next 5 years. Read the rest of this entry

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – December 9, 2015


AP Photo

The Diamondbacks are going for it. Did the Braves just pick up a franchise player from Georgia in the process?

Will Dansby Swanson be the new John Smoltz?

It is long term/short term gain episode of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast.

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