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Who Owned Baseball September 2, 2018 (Daily #MLB AL/NL Pitcher + Hitter MVP’s) + 2018 #WOB


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Noah Syndergaard went the distance, striking out 11 Mets and earned the complete game 4-1 victory for the Mets.

Ronald Acuña, Jr. went 3 for 4 with a homer to help the first place Braves take the 5-1 game from Pittsburgh.

Sean Reid-Foley struck out 10 Marlins in 7 innings, giving up 4 hits and earned the 6-1 decision for Toronto.

Victor Reyes singled, hit a game tying double, added another double and a homer to lead the Tigers past the Yankees, 11-7.

They all owned baseball on September 2, 2018

To view the Yearly Leaders for Who Owned Baseball Standings, plus see who gained 1/2 WOB’s – Click the READ THE REST OF THIS ENTRY ICON OR SCROLL DOWN.

Boston Red Sox Payroll In 2016 + Contracts Going Forward

With adding the contracts of David Price and Craig Kimbrel in recent player moves, this pushes Boston to near $200 MIL in team payroll for 2016. I think they should try to add a few pitchers near the 2016 Trade deadline. With a lot of money tied up in the future, any player they take on should have their contracts end in 2016. Boston stands to pay 17.5% for money spent over the $189 MIL limit. They could run with a $220 MIL salaried club in 2016 and only pay around $6 MIL in additional fees. Do it, and pale it back afterwards.

With adding the contracts of David Price and Craig Kimbrel in recent player moves, this pushes Boston to near $200 MIL in team payroll for 2016. I think they should try to add a few pitchers near the 2016 Trade deadline. With a lot of money tied up in the future, any player they take on should have their contracts end in 2016. Boston stands to pay 17.5% for money spent over the $189 MIL limit. They could run with a $220 MIL salaried club in 2016 and only pay around $6 MIL in additional fees. Do it, and pale it back afterwards.

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer/Part-Owner) 

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Well the Boston Red Sox are finally going to join the Dodgers and Yankees as teams that cross the Luxury Tax Threshold for 2016.  This was made possible by recently picking up  David Price for 7 YRs at $31 MIL average per year.

Already in 2017, the team is committed for around $162 MIL – and that is without their stalwart DH of David Ortiz anymore.  2018, the salary obligations are at $151 MIL, and the franchise has already lumped $139 MIL on the books fr the 2019 cash.

This is a leap of faith for the franchise, as they were always reluctant to pay top dollars for Free Agent Pitchers.

Last year’s signings of Pablo Sandoval and Hanley Ramirez are looking like poor moves right now, however they can be helped with bounce back years in 2016. Read the rest of this entry

Boston Red Sox Organization: 2013 Team Payroll, Depth Charts + Rosters, (MLB + MiLB)

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Thursday, June.27/2013

The Boston Red Sox started out the season 21 - 8 after their 1st 29 games, they have since gone 26 - 25, can they rectify their recent pedestrian play and hold off their 4 Division Counterparts to make the playoffs?

The Boston Red Sox started out the season 21 – 8 after their 1st 29 games, they have since gone 26 – 25, can they rectify their recent pedestrian play and hold off their 4 Division Counterparts to make the playoffs?

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner): and welcome Jeff Kleiner (Salary, Roster and Depth Chart Expert for the MLB) – visit his website  here  

You guys are all in for a treat.  Jeff Kleiner recently contacted me about a partnership merge for the website.  He has developed a site ( that covers all organizational affiliates in the Minors for all of the Major League Baseball Clubs.  We are going to combine efforts to bring you the best look at salaries, current 25 Man Player Rosters and Depth Charts for all 30 teams. 

Jeff is going to provide the documents in form of spreadsheets and I am going to accompany the posts with deep analysis of what the numbers tell us from my perspective.  If you can’t wait for all of my assessments for each club, go and visit Jeff’s website over at

In Speaking with Jeff, he is one of the more passionate fans I have come across towards the game of baseball.  He spends enough time in updating his MLB Facts for it to be a Full-Time Job.  So after the usual Video Clip and READ THE REST OF THIS ENTRY button, you will find some serious &*!@?!#!

Jeff updates this page below on a daily basis.  After you click on it….Bookmark it.  There is a 3 year salary forecast and stats not listed here on this page.  Jeff updates these pages daily and these changes include any Roster moves!

For a Full 3 year Salary Outlook plus last years Stats for every player in the Red Sox Organization click here.

Read the rest of this entry