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Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – June 1, 2015

Ann Heisenfelt / Associated Press

Ann Heisenfelt / Associated Press

It is June 1 and the Rays, Yankees, Astros and Twins are all in first place. How the hell did that happen?

It is a play by play Episode 949 of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast.

Carlos Martinez, Martin Maldonado, Brian Dozier, John Danks, Vidal Nuno, Paul Goldschmidt, Adam Warren and Manny Machado all added to their totals for Who Owns Baseball?


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The 2012 Cincinnati Reds Have All The Makings Of A World Series Champion

Monday September 17th, 2012

Jake Dal Porto: The Reds look primed to win the World Series. This year. They have all the making of one of those rare seasons. Young guys have stepped up greatly, veterans are producing, and they sit on an 11 game lead in the N.L Central.

Can they win the World Series?

They have a good chance. With that being said, they aren’t merely the clear-cut favorites. That honor goes to the Nationals in the National League or the Rangers in the American League. But outside of those two clubs, it’s anyone’s best guess as to who will win the pennant in each league. Meaning the Reds would likely be one of the multiple favorites come October. Read the rest of this entry