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The St. Louis Cardinals Organizational Depth Charts – Spring 2014 (Majors and MInors)

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner): & Jeff Kleiner (Org Depth Chart + Payroll Expert – find his website here)

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For all of those websites that put off writing about the Cardinals after the World Series due to fatigue, it is time to brush up on the best run franchise in the Major Leagues.

The majority of the players in the system and in the Majors were developed by the Cardinals franchise.

Last year, I did a Roster Tree of how all of the players were acquired.  Something like 18 of the 25 players were Drafted by the club.

That is light years ahead of the next team in the race.

When you see that St. Louis has made it to the final four clubs 8 teams in 13 years, and now has made 4 trips to the World Series in a decade, you are leaving another chapter in the legacy of the franchise. Read the rest of this entry

St. Louis Cardinals Organization: Payroll Contracts, Depth Charts + Rosters, (Majors + Minors)

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Monday, Aug.12/2013

The Cardinals have made it to 7 NLCS's since 2000 - going 3 - 4 in them.  The Cards won the World Series in 2006 and 2011, while losing in 2004.  With a plehora of awesome talent in their system, coupled with star Veterans, all playing the St. Louis way, they could be poised for another playoff run in 2013 - and for years beyond.

The Cardinals have made it to 7 NLCS’s since 2000 – going 3 – 4 in them. The Cards won the World Series in 2006 and 2011, while losing in 2004. With a plethora of awesome talent in their system, coupled with star Veterans, all playing the St. Louis way, they could be poised for another playoff run in 2013 – and for years beyond.  The club is just on the fringe of the MLB’s top ten for team salaries, however they do hold the most expensive club in the NL Central.  The franchise rarely doles out a bad long – term contract.

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner): and welcome Jeff Kleiner (Salary, Roster and Depth Chart Expert for the MLB) – visit his website  here  

You guys are all in for a treat.  Jeff Kleiner recently contacted me about a partnership merge for the website. 

He has developed a site ( that covers all organizational affiliates in the Minors for all of the Major League Baseball Clubs. 

We are going to combine efforts to bring you the best look at salaries, current 25 Man Player Rosters and Depth Charts for all 30 teams. 

Jeff is going to provide the documents in form of spreadsheets and I am going to accompany the posts with deep analysis of what the numbers tell us from my perspective. 

If you can’t wait for all of my assessments for each club, go and visit Jeff’s website over at

In Speaking with Jeff, he is one of the more passionate fans I have come across towards the game of baseball.  He spends enough time in updating his MLB Facts for it to be a Full-Time Job. 

So after the usual Video Clip and READ THE REST OF THIS ENTRY button, you will find some serious &*!@?!#!

Jeff updates this page below on a daily basis.  After you click on it….Bookmark it.  There is a 3 year salary forecast and stats not listed here on this page. 

Jeff updates these pages daily and these changes include any Roster moves!

For a Full 3 year Salary Outlook plus last years Stats for every player in the Cardinals Organization click here.

St. Louis Cardinals 2011 World Series Run – Mature Lyrics So Parental Guidance Is Advised

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