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The New York Mets 2013 Roster: State Of The Union

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Monday December 31st, 2012

a new york mets

(There’s a still reason to come to Shea Citi this year (or why you should watch the 2013 Mets)

Stephon Johnson ( Baseball Writer and Mets Correspondent):

You knew someone had to go:

The Mets had a few decisions to make during this current offseason regarding personnel. Stick with Cy Young Award winner (and franchise folk hero) R.A. Dickey or stick with franchise face and soon to be Mr. Met David Wright. While general manager Sandy Alderson might have tried as hard as he could to keep Dickey at Citi Field for a price that would appease the cash strapped Wilpons, the situation ended up like the plot to Highlander: there could be only one.

But where does that leave the team and the fans who make the trek out to Flushing? Playing in a NL East that features a World Series contender in the Washington Nationals, a perennial playoff team in the Atlanta Braves and the “not-as-good-but-still-better-than-you” Philadelphia Phillies, the Miami Marlins are the only team standing between the Mets and last place in 2013.

But Mets fans should still come to Citi. Read the rest of this entry