Blog Archives

Nine Innings/Questions With Dodgers Blue Heaven: A New BBBA Featured Series Of Its Members


Note From Chuck Booth:  We have some talented bloggers at the Baseball Bloggers Alliance, and our Executive Committee member (Peter Schiller) is going to start doing an article series interviewing them.  Today he asks our friend Ernest Reyes about his Dodgers site.

If you are a fan of these teams, I recommend to read their insights – and to also follow their blogs. Peter is a good man.  He gave me my first chance ever to have an authorship page at his site over 7 years ago.

Peter Schiller (Featured BBBA Executive Committee Member/Writer/Owner – 

If you like what you read below, check out more from Ernest Reyes  at his site,  Dodgers Blue Heaven!

This is the first in a series of me asking fellow bloggers from the Baseball Bloggers Alliance (BBBA) 9 innings worth of questions about their team.

The goal is to do this for as many teams as possible (all 30 would be ideal) a few times a season. This one is a pre-All Star edition, then a post-All Star edition, another down the stretch (towards the end of the season) and then either a playoffs edition or off season edition or both!

So, without further ado …

  1. How are the Dodgers’ offseason acquisitions working out so far? Any concerns?

This is a bit of a mixed bag.

To read the rest of this article on, follow this link!