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Texas Rangers State Of The Union For 2016

The Rangers rose from the AL West ashes in 2015 and won their first Division Title in 4 years. It came off the heels of 2 injury riddled seasons that plagued any chance to make the playoffs. The club has about $140 MIL worth of salaries to pay in 2016 but should consider spending out another $10 - $15 MIL. They have a need for a Starting Pitcher and could use a breakout campaign from either Joey Gallo or Jurickson Profar to add depth for mid year trade to acquire a proven playoff Starter to add. The club will also hope Yu Darvish can come back at full strength. While they have 5 of the top 46 contracts of ALL - Time on their salary, 3 of them came via trade where the former team is picking up some of the dough.

The Rangers rose from the AL West ashes in 2015 and won their first Division Title in 4 years. It came off the heels of 2 injury riddled seasons that plagued any chance to make the playoffs. The club has about $140 MIL worth of salaries to pay in 2016 but should consider spending out another $10 – $15 MIL. They recently filled their need for Starting Pitching and could use a breakout campaign from either Joey Gallo or Jurickson Profar to help the cause.  The club will also hope Yu Darvish can come back at full strength.

Chuck Booth (Owner/Lead  Analyst) 

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The Rangers have done a decent job in adding depth in the last few days to the Starting Rotation.  The club has brought back fan favorite and 17 game winner for them in 2015 – Colby Lewis on a 1 Year deal worth $6 MIL.

Then John Daniels agreed to sign A.J. Griffin to the Pitching Staff even though he hasn’t pitched in the Majors of the last 2 years in recovering from Tommy John Surgery.

These are small moves in the grand scheme of things, but should help make sure that Yu Darvish can come back from his own Tommy John Surgery in his own good time.

You also have to factor that Derek Holland has faced a multitude of health issues over the last 2 years, most notably his spinal injury in 2015.  It is a good thing the club traded for Cole Hamels last year. Read the rest of this entry

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – December 2, 2015

David Price

 (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

David Price signed a contract to be the new ace for the Boston Red Sox. It cost my beloved team no players and no draft picks.

I decided to talk about this with (and rub it in the nose of) Yankee super fan Lisa Swan, co creator of the blog Subway Squawkers.

The Rivalry is alive and well in this episode of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast.

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