Daily Archives: October 11, 2013

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – October 11, 2013

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The Cardinals are a team of recent champs.

The A’s are a franchise of staggeringly close post season failures.

The difference between those two franchises is agonizingly slim and the topic for today’s episode of The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast.

Also I reward the Division Series MVP

Justin Verlander and Miguel Cabrera earned a full WOO and Sonny Gray has a 1/2 WOO.

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Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – October 11, 2013

2013 MLB Playoff Predictions: ALCS + NLCS Matchups

The Red Sox went from 69 Wins in 2012 - to World Series favorite in one year.  The 'Beantowners' have assembled a playoff tested crew to arm them in their quest to make it to the World Series for the 1st time in 6 years.  Will the Red Sox take out the Tigers and go for the team of the decade, with a 3rd World Series Bid (out of the last 10 years) in 2013?

The Red Sox went from 69 Wins in 2012 – to World Series favorite in one year. The ‘Beantowners’ have assembled a playoff tested crew to arm them in their quest to make it to the World Series for the 1st time in 6 years. Will the Red Sox take out the Tigers and go for the team of the decade, with a 3rd World Series Bid (out of the last 10 years) in 2013?

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner):

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After nailing the National League straight on in picks for the LDS Round, I failed in either of my upset predictions of Tampa Bay or Oakland to advance.

I am not displeased though, I won money on the Rays losing the series (that came from a bet for them to win the World Series in June that paid +2000 or so, I bet the Red Sox to win the Series as a hedge.

Heading into last nights game, I could have still gone 3 – 1 for the Series prediction if Oakland could come up with a win.

Really the A’s failing to wrap up Game #4 was the big blow.

Thanks to a nice odd of Justin Verlander -107 @ Sonny Gray (-103), I nailed the game last for a nice little profit.

I never bet one dime on the other series in the NLCS.

So I went 2 – 2 in the Round, but plus some nice cash for my effort. Including the playoff game and Wild Card game, I am now 4 – 3 this Post Season.

The Red Sox win the LDS vs the Tampa Bay Rays


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Odds To Win The 2013 MLB World Series, Plus Odds To Win The NLCS + ALCS Matchups

Jon Lester will be the biggest key to for the Red Sox to establish early dominance over the Detroit Tigers.  He gets the nod in Game #1 of the ALCS on Saturday at Fenway Park.  The Boston team is favored to win the World Series out of the 4 remaining teams.  This makes sense - as they have home park advantage via the best AL record, plus the American League won the ALL - Star Game this summer for the "Fall Classic Series.'

Jon Lester will be the biggest key to for the Red Sox to establish early dominance over the Detroit Tigers. He gets the nod in Game #1 of the ALCS on Saturday at Fenway Park. The Boston team is favored to win the World Series out of the 4 remaining teams. This makes sense – as they have home park advantage via the best AL record, plus the American League won the ALL – Star Game this summer for the “Fall Classic Series.’

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner):

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Odds To Win the World Series:

Boston Red Sox +225

LA Dodgers +240

Detroit Tigers +270

St. Louis Cardinals +360


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