Derek Lowe: Is the Veteran Hurler a Playoff Savior for Yankees?

Saturday August 25th, 2012

John Burns:  On August 13th the New York Yankees made a move that went well under the radar. New York signed veteran pitcher Derek Lowe to a contract. The signing is looking like a very nice pick up for the Yankees as of right now. Lowe has 2.45 ERA in only 7.1 innings out of the bullpen. With all the injuries the Yankees have suffered through this season, the signing becomes a great insurance policy for New York. The sinker ball pitcher is a proven big time performer when it comes to October. The 39-year-old pitcher was dominant in the 2004 fall classic with Boston. Lowe posted 1.86 ERA and was 3-0  during that playoff run and was key part of the Red Sox winning the World Series.

With the Yankees well on their way to the playoffs, Derek Lowe could prove to be a key pickup. The veteran will be pitching out of the bullpen for the Bronx Bombers. But when it comes playoff time, he could receive a legitimate shot at becoming the Yankees number 3 starter. With Andy Pettitte injured and unlikely to return at this point, the Yankees are looking at Freddy Garcia and Phil Hughes as the possible third starter in this year’s playoffs. Number one would obviously be C.C. Sabathia, Number two Hiroki Kuroda, and again number three is a toss-up. But if I’m New York, I look at Lowe and Garcia. Both are veteran pitchers and were key parts to their respective teams winning World Series championships. Both Lowe and Garcia pitched seven shutout innings in the biggest stage in baseball: the World Series. Phil Hughes, another possibility, has struggled mightily in the postseason during his career with a 5.40 ERA in 30 innings pitched.

When it comes down to it, Derek Lowe will be a bigger part of the Yankees playoff success than people thought. With Joba Chamberlain struggling, Derek Lowe could take his spot on the playoff roster. Having great depth in the bullpen in October is key to winning a World Series. Yes Lowe has only pitched 7 innings for the Yankees this season, but New York can use him in many key situations out of the pen. He can pitch long relief, the 7th, and he can even be a key setup man in certain situations. The signing of Derek Lowe might not seem like much now. But come October, whether he ends up starting or relieving, Derek Lowe could be key piece to bringing championship number 28 to New York.

(*The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of*)

John Burns- MLB reports Intern: I am a highschool junior, play 1st base and catcher. I am a diehard Phillies fan. I was born in Philadelphia but now live in Virginia. I come from a huge baseball family and just love the game. My cousin was drafted by the New York Mets in the 2008 MLB draft. My favorite players are Shane Victorino, Carlos Ruiz, and Ryan Howard. I tweet all the time and you can follow me on twitter (@JohnBurns_MLB)***

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MLB Reporter

Posted on August 25, 2012, in MLB Player Profiles and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Derek Lowe: Is the Veteran Hurler a Playoff Savior for Yankees?.

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