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Brian Wilson Exercises His 2015 Player Option + Hopes To Rebound Like 2nd Half Of 2014 Indicated

a brian wilson

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer): 

Follow The MLB Reports On Twitter 

Brian Wilson has let the Dodgers know he is picking up his 2015 Player Option for $9.0 MIL.

The character Reliever, did not have a great season with Los Angeles, however he straightened it out in the 2nd half, and added a 1/3rd of an inning in the Postseason, to run his lifetime total to 18 scoreless innings to start his playoff career.

The man has a proven playoff pedigree and it baffled me on the reluctance to use the bearded fellow.  Maybe we will find out his was really hurt, from what seemed to plague him from the 1st half.

Clayton Kershaw aside, no one had a worse trip to Australia and back then Wilson. as he came back with injuries to his back and neck, stemming from the quick turnaround flight after playing 2 games in Sydney.

The 32 Year Old Wilson posted a 5.66 ERA – and a 1.847 WHIP prior to the ALL – Star Break in 30.1 IP.

Post ALL – Star he was more familiar to what he has authored in career, having a 3.00 ERA and a 1.147 WHIP in his last 18.1 IP.

Wilson came to the Dodgers in August of 2013, after he recovered from a 2nd Tommy John Surgery that had sidelined him since April of 2012. Read the rest of this entry

The MLB Opens On Saturday With ARI/LAD Playing In Sydney: Opening Series Prediction

The Dodgers open up the year against the DBacks in the MLB Opening Series.  For those hardcore home fans, the games start at 1 AM PST and 7 PM PST on Saturday.  Look for an article on Friday that will have an in depth look at some of the bets that will be available for this 2 game set.  This series does scream a split between the feel of a Doubleheader, and the weirdness of the neutral site and country.

The Dodgers open up the year against the DBacks in the MLB Opening Series. For those hardcore home fans, the games start at 1 AM PST and 7 PM PST on Saturday. Look for an article on Friday that will have an in depth look at some of the bets that will be available for this 2 game set. This series does scream a split between the feel of a Doubleheader, and the weirdness of the neutral site and country.

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer): 

Follow The MLB Reports On Twitter

It should have been Clayton Kershaw vs Patrick Corbin in Game #1, and Zack Greinke and Trevor Cahill in Game #2 in Sydney this Saturday.

While technically it is two different days in Sydney, the games are held at 4:00 AM and 8 PM EST on Saturday Mar.22.

For those brave enough to watch the early game, it is listed as Kershaw vs TBD ( not listing it, although Miley has been named., and Game #2 is listed as Hyun-jin Ryu vs Trevor Cahill. Read the rest of this entry

MLB’s 2014 Most Likely To Class…….

PED use or not, Stem Cell technology, and who knows what else has aided Colon's body over the last 3 seasons of success.  Yes he was 18 - 6, with a 2.65 ERA - finishing 6th in AL Voting, however the A's went and paid someone else, and usually they are not wrong on guys.  The 40 Year Old from Dominican Republic, is also a gigantic man that decimated his hamstring during a PFP out in 2011 with NYY.  You have to think his lucky streak is numbered sooner or later - and especially on the basepaths in the NL hitting a few times a game.

PED use or not, Stem Cell technology, and who knows what else has aided Colon’s body over the last 3 seasons of success. Yes he was 18 – 6, with a 2.65 ERA – finishing 6th in AL Voting, however the A’s went and paid someone else, and usually they are not wrong on guys. The 40 Year Old from Dominican Republic, is also a gigantic man who decimated his hamstring during a PFP out in 2011 with NYY. You have to think his lucky streak is numbered sooner or later – and especially on the basepaths in the NL hitting a few times a game.

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer): 

Follow The MLB Reports On Twitter

Remember when you graduated, or just had a school yearbook, and one of the best features was a ‘Most Likely To‘ Section.

It could have been John is most likely to succeed at playing football, or Sally will make a fortune by selling her clothes fashions to Hollywood Diva’s.

Lets do this for the MLB 2014 as it sits.

The Most Likely To Hit The DL after running to 1st is Bartolo Colon. Read the rest of this entry

The Dodgers On Field Management Should Be Showing As Much Urgency As The D’Backs For The 2014 MLB Opening Series!

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer): 

Follow The MLB Reports On Twitter

I started talking about something in my Power Rankings yesterday and it festered with me all day until I decided to expand on the subject a little more today.

As I was listening to XM Radio explain that Kirk Gibson was going to start Patrick Corbin and Trevor Cahill in the 1st 2 games of the MLB Season in Australia, the Dodgers have been quiet to name a starter.

I wrote a few months back, that I would like to have seen them throw Clayton Kershaw for that opener, pitch versus the San Diego Padres a week later, and to conclude with the Dodger Stadium Opener.

We all know now that Zack Greinke won’t even be making the trip due to health concerns. 

I understand that one fully, but don’t sit there and tell me that the 2 time NL Cy Young Winner is now going to throw in either of the 1st 2 games. Read the rest of this entry

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – September 11, 2013

New Line Cinema/Warner Bros.

New Line Cinema/Warner Bros.

For whatever reason, the 2014 baseball season will begin in Sydney Australia.

MLB can learn some lessons that the movie industry learned with The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter films.

Listen to The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast and it will make sense.

Alfonso Soriano, Shelby Miller, Rick Porcello and Welington Castillo and NOT Gio Gonzalez all owned baseball on September 9, 2013.

To see the up to date tally of “Who Owns Baseball?,” click HERE.

Subscribe on iTunes HERE.

Sully Baseball Daily Podcast – September 11, 2013

2014 MLB Season Opener Date for Games In Sydney, Australia + Week 1 Of The MLB Schedule (March.23 – April.06/2014)

The MLB Reports is going to be the #1 place to come for the 2014 Major League Baseball Schedule: Dates, Days, Home Openers, # Games Per Day: Break Downs into pages of a Year Long Calendar, Monthly Calendar, Weekly Calendar - all on one page for each, so you can know your favorite teams schedule, or plan to do a MLB Road Trip. I will also do a doubleheader Master Schedule for - two parks in one day for that extreme Ball Park Chaser (Coming in Feb).  Also, we will have a Sunday Night ESPN schedule page, an Interleague Schedule Page for all year, 6 different 30 Ballparks in 30 days trip schedulers, and a couple of schedules I feel could break the records for ballpark viewing.  Those last few pages all are coming in February.

The MLB Reports is going to be the #1 place to come for the 2014 Major League Baseball Schedule: Dates, Days, Home Openers, # Games Per Day: Break Downs into pages of a Year Long Calendar, Monthly Calendar, Weekly Calendar – all on one page for each, so you can know your favorite teams schedule, or plan to do a MLB Road Trip. I will also do a doubleheader Master Schedule for – two parks in one day for that extreme Ball Park Chaser (Coming in Feb). Also, we will have a Sunday Night ESPN schedule page, an Interleague Schedule Page for all year, 6 different 30 Ballparks in 30 days trip schedulers, and a couple of schedules I feel could break the records for ballpark viewing. Those last few pages all are coming in February.

By Chuck Booth (Lead Baseball Analyst/Website Owner):

With the exception of that we don’t know who is going to have the North American Home Opener on Sunday March.30/2014 yet, these are the tentative schedule – and I have highlighted home openers for each club.

Only a few teams like:  St. Louis, New York (AL), Seattle, and San Francisco will not have hosted games from Mar.30 – April.06.  Everybody will have played a home game by April.08/2014.

All 30 MLB Parks – Mature Lyrics So Parental Guidance Is Advised

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