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Don Mattingly Would Be Perfect For The Nationals Or Tigers MGR Positions: Dodgers Skipper Is Still In Limbo

Don Mattingly has a Managerial Record of 260 -225 (.536) in his 1st 3 years as Dodgers Skipper.  Among the totals in this year - was that he guided the club to a 62 - 30 record during the last 92 Games this year.  The Dodgers were knocked out the NLCS Round versus the Cardinals

Don Mattingly has a Managerial Record of 260 -225 (.536) in his 1st 3 years as Dodgers Skipper. Among the totals in this year – was that he guided the club to a 62 – 30 record during the last 92 Games this year. The Dodgers were knocked out the NLCS Round versus the Cardinals.  Mattingly’s $1.4 Vesting Option was picked up by that accord of being in the final 4 this season.  The Dodgers are only offering the one year of 2014, and Mattingly believes he has done a great enough job to earn a multi-year deal.

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer): 

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The Dodgers are making a mistake in not signing Don Mattingly to a multi – year deal.  If you actually sit back and think about what he was able to do is a miracle this year.

Matt Kemp was 50% of himself – and also missed half of the year.

Hanley Ramirez played at an MVP caliber for the time he was in there, problem was – missed 74 games.

Carl Crawford was great, but he missed 45 Games.

Yasiel Puig came up – with 60 Games already taken off of the year.

Zack Greinke missed 2 months after Carlos Quentin charged him.

Brandon League was abysmal early as a Closer.

The 3rd base/Shortstop position featured an opening day of Luis Cruz and Justin Sellers.

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