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MLB 50 Free Agent Predictions

It will all be following the money for many of the Free Agents this winter.  It all started when all 14 players that had Qualifying Offers politely declined them all over the weekend, and are all FA's with Draft Compensation due back to their 2013 club.

It will all be following the money for many of the Free Agents this winter. It all started when all 14 players that had Qualifying Offers politely declined them all over the weekend, and are all FA’s with Draft Compensation due back to their 2013 club.

Free Agent Predictions

By Jordan Gluck (Free Agency Correspondent)

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These are my personal predictions on where the top free agents will sign. This is the same kind of list of the top 50 free agents made by our friends at

Please keep in mind there will be trades this offseason so holes will be filled that way as well (I believe the Cardinals will trade for a SS).

I am not going to estimate any dollar figures in this specific article but I do expect some overpayments this year.

Robinson Cano 2013 Highlights

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Qualifying Offers To Players 1 YR/$14.1 MIL: Who Should Take The Deal And Who Should Pass

The Red Sox made calculated Qualifying Offers to Stephen Drew and Mike Napoli, where they pretty much know that Ellsbury will decline.  It is this writer's opinion that both Napoli and Drew should accept their deals.

The Red Sox made calculated Qualifying Offers to Stephen Drew and Mike Napoli, where they pretty much know that Ellsbury will decline. It is this writer’s opinion that both Napoli and Drew should accept their deals.  Both of them would still be young enough in next year’s Free Agency Market, plus they would not be guaranteed to make much more money for their 2014 contracts, and are not guaranteed of being on a contender like the Boston franchise.

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer): 

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When the list of Qualifying Offers first unfolded the other day, I have to admit, I was surprised to see that Stephen Drew was on the list.

By virtue of the Red Sox doing this move, they have made it impossible for any other team to bid on Drew, as the compensatory pick is probably too much to give up.

This is a smart move for Boston, who didn’t want to lose the guy, and were smart enough to only offer a year deal to him.

Obviously the cash is more than he is worth, but offsetting the cost is the mere fact it only a one year risk.

Curtis Granderson’s 3 HRs in 1st 4 Innings, April.19/2012

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Where Will Brian Wilson End Up?

Brian Wilson has a great comeback bid in the 2013 campaign.  When you add up his Appearances in the regular season - and playoffs, he threw 19.2 IP - in which he entered 24 Games, and only gave up 1 ER in the process.  Good for a cumulative 0.47 ERA.  He also has yet to yield an ER in 17.2 Post Season Career Innings.  Boston, New York Yankees, Detroit Tigers and the Los Angeles Dodgers should be his top suitors this winter.

Brian Wilson has a great comeback bid in the 2013 campaign. When you add up his Appearances in the regular season – and playoffs, he threw 19.2 IP – in which he entered 24 Games, and only gave up 1 ER in the process. Good for a cumulative 0.47 ERA. He also has yet to yield an ER in 17.2 Post Season Career Innings. Boston, New York Yankees, Detroit Tigers and the Los Angeles Dodgers should be his top suitors this winter.

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer): 

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Perhaps nobody is happier than Brian Wilson, that Tim Lincecum resigned in San Francisco for 2 YRs/$35 MIL.  While I think that is a bit of an overspend, it was what the Free Agency Market is dictating.

Having said this, the Relief Core of Pitchers available on the open market is quite interesting.

It is my contention, that Brian Wilson has the best value out there for clubs.

Forget about ‘lets wear my hat at a 45 degree angle’ Fernando Rodney, who was a world beater in 2012, before he almost cost the Rays a playoff spot in 2013.

Grant Balfour has a good case for a big raise, however he will be 36 years old in a few months.  My guess is Billy Beane will find a way for him to sign a short term deal anyway.

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