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He was Known As “The Kid”: A Tribute to the Life and Career of Gary Carter

Monday, February 27, 2012

Douglas ‘Chuck’ Booth (Baseball Writer)- I was born in 1976.  I have two older brothers that were born in 1975 and 1974.  Another brother was born in 1978.  My dad had all of us at the baseball park to watch his men’s league windmill team play baseball for every weekend of the summer.  By the time I was 4, I also tagged along to my brother’s T-Ball baseball practices.  My dad would let me play with the older kids because he knew I loved the game enough to become good at it.  While my other brothers liked baseball, I loved it.  So as they played cars and watched cartoons, I was happy to be watching baseball with my dad on our old 12’ black and white television screen that you had to pound on with a clenched fist once a day in order for it to focus right.  My dad and I would watch the Montreal Expos on the French Channel in Canada.  We always muted the sound, opting for a Bob Seger Record instead, but we would watch the game with laser focus.  My dad had been a huge Thurman Munson and Yankees fan, so when Munson died in a plane crash, it hurt him a great deal .  My dad’s love waned from the Yankees for a bit after.  He started to like baseball on TV when I began asking to watch it.  He and I sat on the couch and watched Gary Carter play.  The Expos were an exciting team at the turn of the 80’s decade with the likes of Gary Carter, Andre Dawson and Tim Raines.  I can remember seeing how involved Carter was in orchestrating the leadership of his team.  Read the rest of this entry

Interview with Toronto Blue Jays Prospect: George Carroll

Wednesday December 21, 2011


Jonathan Hacohen:  We are pleased to welcome to MLB reports:  Toronto Blue Jays Prospect, George Carroll.  Coming off his first professional season, George played in the Gulf Coast and Appalachian leagues in 2011.  The 23-year old New York native looks to rise in the Blue Jays system and make his name in the big leagues one day soon.  As a 6’2″ catcher, George has the physical tools.  We look forward to his development as he approaches his first full season in baseball.  

Featured on MLB reports, I proudly present my interview with George Carroll – Catching Prospect for the Blue Jays:


MLB reports:  Welcome to the Reports! First question- Who was your favorite baseball player growing up, that you most idolized and patterned your game after? 

George Carroll:  My two favorite players growing up were Jorge Posada and Craig Biggio.  Both guys were great players, and hard-working guys.


MLB reports: Which current MLB star do you most admire and why?  

George Carroll:  I don’t admire just one guy. I enjoy watching guys like Joe Mauer, Derek Jeter, Josh Hamilton and Posada.  These are hard-working players that had the attitude to “put up or shut up”.  I am a big fan of guys that go about their business the right way.


MLB reports: What are your proudest accomplishments in baseball? 

George Carroll:  I had three goals. Play Division I College baseball; Play in the Cape league; and play pro ball.  All three dreams have come true and now I just have to work harder to stay here.  I also got to play College baseball with my best friend from High School, Effrey Valdez.


MLB reports: What are your goals going into the 2012 season?  

George Carroll:  My biggest goal is to work hard and make a full season club.  I just want an opportunity to prove myself as a ball player at this level.


MLB reports: What do you consider your greatest baseball skill(s)? 

George Carroll:  My greatest skill is my ability to play defense, not just behind the plate but at all positions.  I feel this elevates my game for the positive.

MLB reports: What facets of your game do you most wish to improve upon?  

George Carroll:  Biggest thing I have to improve upon is my consistency with the bat.


MLB reports: How do strikeouts and walks figure into your game?  Do you see any of these items changing over time and to what degree?

George Carroll:  Walk more and strike out less.  I have to better discipline myself as a hitter.


MLB reports: Long term do you see yourself as a catcher, first baseman or at another position? How do you view your role in the organization? 

George Carroll:  Mostly as a catcher.  But if I have to switch positions, I’m just going to have to make that adjustment.


MLB reports: If you had to look into a crystal ball, when do you see your expected time of arrival in the big leagues and what do you think you need to do most to get there? 

George Carroll:  I pray I get the opportunity to get to that point, but it is something I can’t focus on.  I just have to work on my game and focusing on what is in my control.


MLB reports: Has pro ball been everything you expected it to be thus far? 

George Carroll:  It has been everything and more.  This is the greatest job in the world.


MLB reports: What do you do for fun when you are not playing baseball?

George Carroll:  I enjoy just hanging out with my buddies and my family.  My fun is when I am playing baseball!


MLB reports: Do you have a favorite pre-game meal?

George Carroll:  Peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwiches, with a glass of milk.


MLB reports: Final Thoughts?  

George Carroll:  I just got to work hard, believe in my abilities and get to the next level.  


Thank you again to George Carroll for taking the time to join us today on MLB reports.  We highly encourage our readers to post at the bottom of the article any questions and/or comments that you may have for George.  You can also  find George Carroll on Twitter (@GeorgeCarroll20)


Jonathan Hacohen is the Lead Baseball Columnist & Editor for MLB reports:  You can follow Jonathan on Twitter (@JHacohen)


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