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MLB Reports – Drastic Changes To The Game Going Forward In The Next CBA?

With Bud Selig leaving as commissioner in Jan of 2015, we have given the new guy in charge (Rob Manfred) some ideas to chew on from our top 3 guys at this website.  Agree or disagree with us, at least we are not afraid to speak our mind about the game we all love so much.  We are here to help grow the game.  If we are not hardcore fans, we wouldn't be running this fanbased website.

With Bud Selig leaving as commissioner in Jan of 2015, we have given the new guy in charge (Rob Manfred) some ideas to chew on from our top 3 guys at this website. Agree or disagree with us, at least we are not afraid to speak our mind about the game we all love so much. We are here to help grow the game. If we are not hardcore fans, we wouldn’t be running this fan-based website.

Hunter Stokes (Chief Writer):  w/assists to

Paul Sullivan (Sully) (Lead Personality):  &

Chuck Booth (Lead Analyst/Owner): 

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The game of baseball is in decline right? Loved hearing that yet once again from every non-baseball fan.  I tend not to disagree, but to think that no changes going forward is the right call is entirely wrong.

With Bud Selig making his grand exit in 2 months, Rob Manfred has a daunting task of capturing the new age fan, while the core audience grows a little older next year.

Here at the Report we have suggested some radical thought-provoking topics towards how baseball can improve, so I thought I would put them all in one article.

This list coming forth is a compilation of our top personalities – and their stances towards how the game can improve.

In this blog, I am using a lot of (Paul Francis Sullivan) Sully’s ideas.  He is our lead personality on this site, and has the pulse of all sorts of historical and new age references that make sense. 

Listen/Subscribe to his daily podcast The Sully Baseball Daily Podcast.

We will also use some of our Owner/Lead Analyst’s (Chuck Booth) views to add to the puzzle.

Finally, the list is completed by yours truly. Read the rest of this entry